Thursday, July 06, 2006

Canadian Lawyer Sues Herself. Sets Precedent.

A precedent setting case is currently underway in Toronto, Ontario as a Canadian lawyer is suing herself... for copyright infringement.

"I was double checking a brief I had handed in to the courts in the morning when I realized that I had copied a great deal of the brief directly from a paper I had written in my final year of Law School. So I did the right thing and sued for copyright infringement."
- Elisabeth 'Lis' Patrick, Lawyer for WeirFoulds L.L.P.

The high profile of the case has sparked controversy and some high-profile comments:

"I think Lis has done the right thing. She is a great example for Lawyers in our country. No deed, whether it be good, bad, sensational or banal, should be exempt from being tested in a court of law."
- The Hon. Beverly Mclaughlin, Cheif Justice of Canada

The precedent setting case of Patrick V. Patrick

Patrick is suing Patrick for $162,000 dollars in damages claiming 'loss of revenue' and 'damage to my reputation'.

"If I let this go, people may associate my work with this sub-par material and my professional reputation could be affected. Yes, It is a risk. I am liable to lose my apartment but on the up side I would gain enough money to rent it back."
- Elisabeth 'Lis' Patrick, Lawyer for WeirFoulds L.L.P.

The case is currently in its third month before the courts and has cost taxpayers an estimated $67,000 dollars so far, prompting some to question the merit of the whole trial.

Further doubts have overshadowed the case when Prosecutorial Patrick began drinking in the courtroom, often stumbling out at the end of the day visibly intoxicated. (See Above Photo of Patrick holding a glass of wine). Not to be outdone, the Defense Patrick has attempted to bribe the judge sixteen times now, with a progressively larger bribe each time. The last one being 94 dollars and a dinner date. (See above photo of Patrick reaching into her wallet)

A waste of time and the taxpayer's money? Probably. But it's a surefire way to double your money by betting on Patrick to win.

- The Blogastair, reporting live on location, Superior Court of Justice, Toronto, Ontario.


Graeme Stewart said...

Better this than suing me for leaving the toilet seat up...

Alastair P. Forbes said...

I hear that brother!! [gives Graeme a manly high five and slaps him in an obviously homo-erotic way on the bum]