Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Valentine's Day Question

Valentine's Day. You either hate it or sort of, kind of enjoy it. I'm for the latter right now because I have someone to share it with. (Yes, sadly it's true, I am taken Ladies. And Yes, it's true, she does look like a supermodel Guys.) But of course, talking about Valentine's day always brings up the inevitable question.

Which species, other than human, celebrates Valentine's day the best?

The answer. Simple:


Here's why: Everyday is Valentine's Day to Rabbits as everyday is marked by a significant amount of humping. You might be thinking "If everyday is Valentine's Day then they aren't celebrating the special day." Well you're right, but I would argue, that their everyday humping is better than any other species Valentine's Day humping.

You think you know a species that humps more? I would like to hear it.

The Blogalablob


Anonymous said...

here's a comment, get a real job! Your loving girlfriend and biggest supporter, Ieva. xoxo

Alastair P. Forbes said...

I hardly think you're my biggest supporter. You're thin as a waif! Very attractive though, but definitely thin.