Friday, February 03, 2006

MPAA stole the cookies from the cookie jar.

The MPAA has been accused of DVD piracy.

This is great. Another "it's ok for me but it's definitely not ok for you" scenario. Kind of like the "it's ok for me to put you in secret prisons all over sketchy eastern European Countries and not tell anyone about it, but it's not ok for you not to tell me what your phone numbers are, your credit rating, who your friends are, your criminal record, your purchase patterns, who your employers have been, what schools you attended, how many times you have been out of the country, how many times you drive your car through a toll booth, how much you spend on heating and electricity, how much water you use, and by association, when you flush your toilet, and finally, every other record we have of you" scenario. But I digress. (For more on this topic though please see this article and many others like it here.)

This is about the giant double standard the movie and recording industry pushes upon us with their 'woe is us, our sales are going down because of immoral people stealing.' You know I have a friend (I don't really know him but I feel like we could be friends) who spoke to me (in a movie theatre) about stealing (Piracy, big difference). He told me he loved his job and works very hard at being a special effects technician for the movies (paid commercial actor). But he taught me an important lesson (screaming 'BULLSHIT' in the theatre really loud gets you kicked out) that whether you steal a candy bar or download a movie your only hurting the little guy (such as billionaire George Lucas), and what's more, it's wrong and immoral.

Wow, the MPAA and the RIAA have sunk to a new transparent low... accusing their purchasers of being immoral, they of course stand on the high ground. 'But wait,' you say, 'what does the RIAA have to do with all of this, they didn't pirate DVD's.' No, Sally, you're right, they've only been convicted of 'Price Fixing.' Another friend taught me that Price Fixing is the same as stealing a candy bar, instead your stealing millions of candy bars from millions of consumers. But at least they make amends for it right? Read this to find out how they made amends by donating thousands of unwanted and duplicate cds to libraries across the U.S.

Alright, that's enough for today.

Keep er real.

The Bloggiwoggster.

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